Posts Tagged ‘facebook’

(Originally posted in Dutch on the BBC blog, B2B Marketing, Belgium. Translated and used by E3 Network with permission). Facebook announced reaching more than 3.500.000 users in Belgium a while ago. Now there is a number you cannot deny anymore. But does it contain potential for recruiters? More than 3 million Belgians are on Facebook […]

Facebook recently announced the next generation of developer tools for social media applications. While the tools may be aimed at developers, they clearly have implications for global marketers and international brands. In a nutshell, the new Facebook social media plug-in tools aggregate information across multiple social media platforms from Pandora to YouTube to provide a […]

Good news for all you agency Creatives who love Flash. Now taking your favorite application into the social media realm has just gotten easier. Flash and Facebook have teamed up to offer a new application that lets you integrate Flash in a variety of ways. For example, the new application makes it easier for anyone […]

There’s a lot of hype now about the benefits of social media in the corporate world. Does it translate to the B2B world? How can you use social media to connect with your audiences? In a recent iMedia article, Andrew Rodrigues, discuss the “5 ways to create content for social media and SEO.” He explains […]