Posts Tagged ‘Cross-cultural’

In the spirit of international cooperation, E3 Network Agency members C&COM Advertising of the Czech Republic and BBC Creativity of Belgium, coordinated a special trip into history on 15 June 2012 for employees of the multinational company AGC Glass Europe, the leading European flat glass manufacturer. Prague-based C&COM arranged the historical tour of the Czech countryside for the […]

Between volcanic ash and hurricane-strength winds, getting to this year’s E3 Network Annual General Meeting in Århus Denmark wasn’t so easy for some E3 European Agency Network members. But it was a successful meeting for the group, where five new member agencies were welcomed and three gold awards for the “Best of Europe” campaigns were […]

For every international marketer who successfully brings a cross-cultural campaign global, there are multiple stories of major campaigns that make huge flubs. More than just translation errors, the campaign failures are usually fundamental cultural oversights…everything from taboo topics to unfortunate timing. Such blunders are usually only avoided by having a finger on the pulse or […]

At an E3 European Agency Network meeting in October, we asked member agencies what the most common cross-cultural, or intercultural, points of pain for their international clients were. Some of the answers were surprising. How do yours compare? Survey: What are the biggest problems your international clients face in cross-cultural marketing? 1. Marketing built mostly […]